Who the heck are the Meeks?

“Howdy”, as we like to say in the South! Those that know the Meeks, know that we would rather be in the woods, camping in the mountains, sitting around a campfire, kayaking down a river, skiing down a mountain, fishing in a lake, and well…. all the wonderful things that come with an outdoor adventure. Let me introduce you to my sweet little family!

Doc Whiskers:

He’s the head honcho around this outfit. Not only is he easy on the eyes *swoon* he can out fish you any day of the week, he can out build you a fire, he can fearlessly lead us through the mountains on ANY adventure, read a topography map like no one’s business, tie a fly with the most eloquent patience and detail, tool you a leather belt, and play sweet Patti (his guitar) in a way that will make your Grandma get gaga eyes. If you don’t find Doc in the mountains, he’s probably either watching baseball, or listening to old country on his record player. He is well…. amazing, and looks great in flannel!

The Lucky Lady:

Hi….I’m Mom! I’m the crazy one, the unpredictable one (other than I ALWAYS have a to-do list) I’m the meal prepper, the boo-boo kisser, the “get all our crap together to go on an adventure” worry wart, plant loving, book reading, thrift store buying, rock collecting, fiercely loving, coffee drinking, occasionally cussing, short tempered, storytelling, southern-accent friend! Ummm check out Doc next to me... hubba, hubba!


Well, other than being Doc Whiskers’ Lucky Lady, CW is one of my greatest accomplishments in life. I never imagined that traveling with anyone else other than my husband could be so great, until little CW came along! He is a 5 year old ALL BOY! I’ve decided it’s written into his DNA that he loves sticks, rocks, dirt, bugs, play guns, a baseball bat, hunting, fishing, and just plain being outside more than anything I could buy him. One day I hope he thinks his Mom and Dad are cool for taking him along to all these wonderful places. If you ever want to know the true joy of nature and adventure, seriously…. look through your child’s eyes.


Y’all lets give a warm welcome to Coop!!! He entered our world early, fast, after a helicopter ride for Mom, loud and screaming! He is the sweetest, chunkiest, laughing-est, beautiful baby. There is yet to be a food he doesn’t like, or stranger he’s been afraid of. He literally has a smile like this, on his face all the time! He made his first big road trip at 5 months old, and I think he traveled better than all of us combined. The one thing he might love more than food, is just plain being outside!


“Gustopher, Gus-Gus, Augustus, GUSSSSSSSSSS” was a 13 year old yellow lab. After 2 weeks camping in Colorado, we had to put Gus down on our way back home in summer of 2020. His heart was just tired. But… I can’t think of a more appropriate thing to do with him before he left this world. Doc Whiskers got Gus in the first year we were dating and well…. it’s still hard to imagine a day without him, this is why he is still on our page, he will FOREVER be a part of Meeks of the Mountain. This is the last photo we have of him, and it’s just perfect! For the last 13 years we’ve drug him along with us everywhere!


Loretta June:

She’s the newest member of the family! Ohhhh my poor, sweet, hard working Doc Whiskers….I’ve always told him I’d love to own an Airstream, and after his initial “I can’t believe we’re buying an Airstream” face…. We now have Loretta June Meeks. Honestly it was love at first sight, and truly a chance encounter that we met Bob and Sharon (new-found friends from Texas I might add) to buy her. She’s already traveled over 10,000 miles since we’ve owned her and well…. lets just say she still looks pretty damn good for an ’83 model. Thank you Bob and Sharon for loving Loretta June and us!